DAP-999 EX LTD has been praised as an excellent DAC by high-end Audio Magazines both in Japan and around the world. In a test conducted by the German magazine Stereo it was evaluated as (100% perfect), and in addition, a well-known Polish Audio Magazine tested DACs from over 20 companies, and the DAP-999 EX LTD was selected as the “best machine”, and in addition, it received a special award “statement award” in recognition of its outstanding technology and sound quality. Customers who have purchased the DAP 999 EX LTD have expressed their gratitude, saying, ” What a wonderful DAC”. At the heart of the DAP-999 EX LTD is 24bit K2 processing developed by Victor Corporation of Japan. This K2 tecnology is Pattend. This superior tecnology that upsamples the 16bit/44.1 kHz sumpling frequency of K2 tecnology to a fourfold integer multiple of 176.4 kHz and stretches it to 88.2 kHz.This tecnology dramatically improves normal CDs without deterioration or distortion of sound quality, and provides a wide bandwidth, a sense of depth, a sense of sound stability, and a sense of sound field. Advances in digital tecnology have led to the industry selling DACs that generate 384 kHz and 768 kHz in the market. Consumers also believe that the higher the frequency, the better the sound quality. However, signal waweforms that are not included in the music signal waweforms will deteriorate the musicality and cause distortion of the sound quality. Nowadays, music lovers seems to enjoy music through computers and streamer audio. However, if you pass the DAP-999 EX LTD you can enjoy music further better sound quality from computer end streamer audio. Please included parts to enjoy the best sound quality from your computer or streamer audio.

Combak Corporation Japan